Learn About LIAD - Long Island Alzheimer's and Dementia Center Skip to content


Whether we’re introducing new programs, receiving community service awards, or simply making an announcement, you can learn more about it here. We keep the community informed about the latest happenings at the Long Island Alzheimer's and Dementia Center with a regular stream of press releases. We say “regular stream” because we’re always looking for innovative ways to view old problems and arrive at new solutions.

Robotic dogs and cats provide 'pet' therapy for seniors at Uniondale facility

Dementia or Normal Age-Related Forgetfulness: Telling the Difference

Tori Cohen on Five Minutes with Fried!

Tori Cohen on Philanthropy in Phocus Podcast

Alzheimer's All Star-Basketball Classic

Basketball teams meet with Long Islanders they are fundraising for ahead of 12th annual Alzheimer's All-Star Basketball Classic

FSC Turns Out to Support Run for Caregivers

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Dementia In The News

Our Senior Director of Programs and Services, Melissa Katz, Quoted in Long Island Press
As you get older, you may notice you’re becoming more forgetful. You may misplace your keys or your glasses, or[...]
News12 Features LIAD Center Fundraiser
On October 2nd - 3rd, Plainview resident and long-time supporter, Jay Asparro, hit the ground running for the 6th year[...]
June Is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month. Here’s How You Can Help.
Every year, the Alzheimer’s Association designates the month of June as “Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month,” a time to raise[...]
Multi-Gen Living: How to Cope When a Loved One with Dementia Moves In
Life is tough enough raising children, building a career, and carving out a few minutes of self-care. Imagine adding to[...]