Pat Bowlen and Alzheimer’s - Long Island Alzheimer's and Dementia Center

Pat Bowlen and Alzheimer’s

By Allan Vann, The Denver Post, July 27, 2014

Pat Bowlen’s resignation from Bronco ownership due to Alzheimer’s affords the Broncos a wonderful opportunity to pay tribute to their former owner and help him and all Americans dealing with Alzheimer’s.  Each October the Broncos and all NFL teams promote breast cancer awareness.  Players wear pink on their uniforms to show support for those diagnosed with breast cancer and to stimulate greater awareness.   Each November our country celebrates National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month.  The Broncos can wear purple in November to show support for all those diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and to stimulate greater awareness.  Bronco announcers can promote Alzheimer’s awareness.

Alzheimer’s is the 6th leading cause of death in this country, and the only disease among the top ten killers that has no effective means of prevention, treatment, or cure.  In September, 2012, the federal Centers for Disease Control issued a report based upon a study of nearly 3500 NFL retirees that concluded, “NFL players are three times as likely as the general population to die from a neurodegenerative disease such as Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s disease.”

It would seem that honoring Pat Bowlen and more than 5 million other Americans dealing with Alzheimer’s would be a natural fit for the Broncos, as well as for all NFL teams.  Bronco and all NFL radio and TV broadcasts in November can increase awareness to help find a way to prevent, treat, and finally cure Alzheimer’s. That would be a wonderful tribute to Mr. Bowlen and an immense public service to others.

Cancer is a horrible disease.  My mother died of cancer.  I hope that NFL players continue wearing pink and NFL announcers continue promoting cancer awareness and research every October.  But Alzheimer’s is also a horrible disease.  My wife has Alzheimer’s.  I hope that Bronco players begin wearing purple and NFL announcers begin promoting Alzheimer’s awareness and research each November.

Pink is extremely important. So is purple.

About the Author Dana Castoria

Dana’s personal interest in health and wellness ignites her passion to help execute impactful change in the nonprofit field. As a Hofstra University graduate with a degree in Public Health and a demonstrated history in communications, Dana is committed to merge the community, individuals and professionals of Long Island to help the Long Island Alzheimer's and Dementia Center achieve its mission. Having joined the team in July 2017, she came from an assisted living facility and with over 5 years’ experience in the senior care field. Dana helped the Long Island Alzheimer's and Dementia Center plant it’s feet and grow in the new Westbury location, and believes her efforts to attain the resources to further develop and sustain its services is her part in caring for and supporting diagnosed individuals and caregivers. Outside of the office, you can find Dana exploring Manhattan, on the beach with a volleyball, dog-watching at a park or spending time with her family and friends, especially if a board game is involved!

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