Crocheting For A Cause: Quarantine hobby turns into over $700 fundraiser - Long Island Alzheimer's and Dementia Center

Crocheting For A Cause: Quarantine hobby turns into over $700 fundraiser

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many were forced to spend more time indoors. As a result, hobbies were a fast way to pass the time while in quarantine. Nationwide, people took the opportunity to try something new, make the most out of newfound time, and pursue in something fulfilling and productive.

Crocheting for a Cause - Bee

Alexa Rivera, 18, student at SUNY Old Westbury, took reign of the government mandate and taught herself how to crochet. From blankets to earrings, Rivera has created anything and everything. After months of quarantine, Rivera cultivated a collection, but was afraid selling her work online for profit would diminish her passion. Fortunately, she found the LIAD Center, and turned her passion into a fundraiser. So far, Rivera has raised over $700, and expects her donation to increase with the holiday season. We met with Rivera to learn more.

Tell us about your fundraiser and how it started.

My interest in crocheting started because of an endless search for a Halloween costume. I couldn’t find what I was envisioning, so I decided that I would just make up the pattern myself. Although it did take a lot of time, I loved it. Crocheting gives me the challenge to explore different corners of the craft that I’ve never ventured into. That’s partially why I don’t have a website – I wouldn’t consider crocheting my business, but rather my passion. I delicately take my time to ensure this is what my client wants while simultaneously insert my creativity.

What inspired you?

Initially, I wasn’t motivated to sell my work online. Most business came through word of mouth via family and friends. I was afraid that creating a business would dim my passion for crocheting. However, in raising money for the LIAD Center, I had a reason to promote my talent and skills. My work became fulfilling. This is why I decided to donate 100% of my proceeds thru December 31st2021 to the LIAD Center.

Why did you choose the LIAD Center as beneficiary?

The LIAD Center has a unique element that I admire, it’s the action of now. The organization offers programs to individuals living with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias at this very moment. Although it is important to invest in research, the LIAD Center recognizes the importance of investing in people. They prioritize the mental health of not only the patient, but also the caregivers and family.

I don’t have a connection to the disease but do believe it’s vital to acknowledge the mental health of people regardless of age. I’m actively trying to create a club in my school where we could visit forest homes where their mental health could often be neglected, or they don’t experience anything outside abuse. My goal is to travel to underprivileged organizations once a week to provide them with tutoring, confidence, and comfort.

Crocheting for a Cause

For more information, or to place an order with Alexa Rivera and qualify to donate towards the LIAD Center, please email or call 516-767-6856.

About the Author Long Island Alzheimer's and Dementia Center

At the Long Island Alzheimer's and Dementia Center, our mission is to improve the quality of life for those living with Alzheimer’s disease and related forms of dementia, and their caregivers. We actively work to achieve this mission through research-based programming for all stages of Alzheimer’s, Caregiver Support Groups, in-home respite solutions, transportation options, and additional services.

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